Sunday, July 26, 2009

The Aquarius!!

Hello Everyone!
Last Thursday I had the most fantastic opportunity to do two wonderful scuba dives on NOAA's and NURP/NURC's undersea research habitat, the Aquarius. I want to thank the 'guys' at NOAA and NURC here in Key Largo for enabling me to visit the habitat. Thanks to: Otter, Otto, Buck and James. You are all good guys and great scuba divers and am glad you are my friends.
It was a sentimental dive as years ago, we used to dive around the Aquarius frequently. It is located on Conch Reef and rests in 65 FSW. For more information on the Aquarius follow these two links:
My dive buddy was Connie Z and was in Key Largo, testing out her new underwater camera system this past week. Connie is a proud owner of Watershot's new housing system for Canon's XSi and T1i dSLR cameras. She was gracious enough to give me permission to use some of her captures of the marine life around the Aquarius for this blogpost. Thank you, Connie, for the great shots!
Diving the Aquarius was not only sentimental for me (it has been over ten years since my last) but was a true adventure. It was a great exploration and seeing how it had changed. A much wider variety of fish and corals on and around the habitat than years ago.
I'm including 11 photographs taken by Connie and myself that afternoon. Hope you enjoy them.
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